This page last changed on Apr 09, 2007 by cholmes.

This page will guide you through setting up your Coverage data sets.

In order to configure your Coverage data, you first need to create a CoverageStore. You can read how to do that here.

Create a New Coverage

To create a new Coverage, navigate to Config -> Data -> Coverage -> new.

Select your CoverageStore from the drop down list and then hit the 'New' button. This will take you to the coverage editor where you can configure your Coverage's settings. It will look similar to this:

Editing the Coverage

This page is very similar to the FeatureType editor, but there are some noticible differences.

You will have to set the SRS value to match your projection, and then you will have to hit the 'Generate' button to generate the bounding box of your dataset. Once you have done this, your coverage is ready to use.

Hit 'Apply' and then 'Save' and you are set. Preview your layer in the MapPreview section under Demo -> MapPreview.

Description of Fields

WMS Path

This is optional. It can contain a path-like string that will organize this layer into a tree structure when a GetCapabilities request is called. For example it might contain the string:


Then when a GetCapabilities request is issued, this layer will appear in tree structure under the coverage -> local -> water hierarchy. Other coverages or feature types that also match this path will also be inserted into the tree.


There are two options now. One is the default style (Raster), and the other is a list of styles that allows you to select several at once.


This is the number value for your projection. Most datasets are lat/lon (WSG84), so their SRS code is EPSG:4326.


The title of your Coverage dataset. Give it whatever title you wish.


The description of your dataset; put whatever you want here.

Online Resource

A URL where a person can go to locate more information about your dataset.


This must be set before you can use your dataset. To set it automatically, set the SRS value and then hit the Generate button.


Simple keywords used to describe your dataset.

Request CRS

Represents the EPSG codes that one can request, i.e. the BBOX and CRS params in the WCS GetCoverage request.

Response CRS

Represents the possible EPSG codes that can be optionally specified in the GetCoverage request in order to reproject the original coverage.
For example:


The BBOX has to be compatible with the CRS, which can be one of the Request CRS codes.

There can be more than one code. All you have to do is list them, separated with a comma:


Supported Formats

These are all the supported output formats for this particular coverage. GeoServer can return the coverage in a different format if the quer requests, and this section lists what ones are available.

Interpolation Methods

The possible methods to use for interpolating the raster files. The default is 'nearest neighbour'. The other possibilities are:

  • bilinear
  • bicubic
  • nearest neighbour

coverage_new.jpg (image/jpeg)
coverage_edit.jpg (image/jpeg)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:27